Die erste und gängigste ist ein Social-Media-Plugin. Social Media Buttons geben dir eine effektive und optisch ansprechende Möglichkeit Besucher auf deine soziale Profile weiterzuleiten. Thank you very much! My bug was fixed in version 0.1.9 in less than 1 hour! The Social Links plugin adds a widget and shortcode to your WordPress website allowing you to display icons linking to your social profiles. Your WordPress will be back to normal. When a logged in user clicks on a social landing page, these clicks are not counted. Create a simple, mobile-friendly social bio profile landing page with all of your links, so your Instagram profile includes everything! Instalación. The Social Link Groups plugin adds a shortcode to your WordPress website allowing you to display icons linking to your social media profiles to your website. Instalación. Installation via WordPress Dashboard: Navigate to Plugins->Add New; Search for «The Social Links» and click «Install Now» Click “Settings” or browse to the «The Social Links» once you have installed the plugin to configure your social network links. The plugin works fine and does a great job. AddThis is probably the most widely used social media sharing plugin for WordPress at the moment. If your WordPress installation is broken due to this plugin, DELETE the following over FTP/SFTP: The best and most convenient plugin for microlanding. Learn more at Social Snap. Use the quick and easy page builder to customize your landing page. Installation via WordPress Dashboard: Navigate to Plugins->Add New; Search for “The Social Links” and click “Install Now” Click “Settings” or browse to the “The Social Links” once you have installed the plugin to configure your social network links. Bevor ich ins Detail gehe, möchte ich dich warnen. Social Networks plugin displays your facebook link, Twitter, Youtube, linkedin, myspace and RSS Feed. The Social Links plugin adds a widget and shortcode to your WordPress website allowing you to display icons linking to your social profiles. Preview your changes right on the page. This WILD plugin installs files like maintenance and other things that will break your WordPress installation if you don't complete it's setup. Replaced Soundclound icon with a better one. 0.1: You’re done! It... 3. With an easy-to-use interface, you can add as many fields as you wish. The new version includes the following social networks: The new version includes the following social networks: Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt: Mitwirkende. Rezensionen. Sassy Social Share. Looks great on any screen(size), Customize your links, colors, buttons, and images, In-depth analytics: See how many people viewed each page. Instalacija. Unlimited potential. No matter what kind of form you’re building, you can achieve it with our plugin. Why you should consider this WordPress social media plugin. How can I give my member or user to have a SOCIAL LINK PAGES too? Bei vielen WordPress Themes gibt es bereits die Möglichkeit Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram oder Google Plus Icons einzufügen und diese mit einem Link zu deinen entsprechenden Profilen zu hinterlegen. Because social networks have such a heavy communication component to them, you’re going to need a community website platform that not only allows your users to login, but provides functionality for community members to talk with each other, to engage with various types of content, to join groups, and much more. One reason for such a huge user base is the age of the network. Sassy Social Share is an easy to use social media plugin for WordPress with tons of options. Nun … It costs less than $ 20, however, it offers many more features than most other premium WordPress social media plugins. Replaced Soundclound icon with a better one. Once installed, the plugin adds a new "Link Pages" section to your WordPress admin. You can link to your social media profiles. /wp-content/social-link-pages (entire folder) Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen. Use the quick and easy page builder to customize your landing page. Create as many new link pages as you need. Instagram only lets you add one link to your profile. .maintenance Add Social Media Icons in WordPress Without A Plugin. It will leave your site forever redirecting to an under maintenance page without the ability to access dashboard. But it won’t be the perfect solution because the code provided by many developers … Looks great on any screen(size), Customize your links, colors, buttons, and images, In-depth analytics: See how many people viewed each page. Social Snap is the leading WordPress social sharing plugin that helps you drive more traffic and increase engagement by leveraging the power of social media. 10 Best Social Media Plugins for WordPress (2021) 1. „Social-Links-Menü“ einrichten: So … Social Link Look allows you to change your website shared informations, details and images. Instagram only lets you add one link to your profile. Create a single biolink url for all your social profiles, Create multiple landing pages, microlanding pages, or squeeze pages, Mobile first and responsive. Button panel now opens when new button is added, Large back-end rewrite to move link pages to the posts table, Design update to make the settings page more friendly, Code reorganization to allow fo future features, Added TinyMCE to profile field to support formatting, videos, etc. Behobene Probleme in den letzten zwei Monaten: This WILD plugin installs files like maintenance and other things that will break your WordPress installation if you don't complete it's setup. The main purpose of the social links widget WordPress plugins is to encourage your site visitors to follow you on social media. This plugin comes in a free as well as a paid version; any user can get this plugin up and … Melde dich an, um eine Rezension einzureichen. Thank you very much! Social Media Flying Icons | Floating Social Media Icon. It will leave your site forever redirecting to an under maintenance page without the ability to access dashboard. Create as many new link pages as you need. Unter Plugins binden Sie das Instagram Slider Widget in die gewünschte Leiste ein. Your WordPress will be back to normal. Display social links, social links, social, facebook, twitter, youtube, google plus, linked in on wordpress… Kjeld Hansen 90+ aktive Installationen Getestet mit 4.4.24 Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 5 Jahren WP Social Links (0 Bewertungen gesamt) Social Links Everywhere! Loggen Sie sich in WordPress ein. Social Snapis arguably the most flexible social media WordPress plugin on the market today. Fixed render error, or rather, it will now show a 404. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt: Übersetze „Social Link Pages“ in deine Sprache. On the other hand, you can share news, updates, etc. The Social Links plugin adds a widget and shortcode to your WordPress website allowing you… Seagyn Davis 6,000+ active installations Tested with 5.4.4 Updated 8 months ago Social Media Widget /wp-content/maintenance (entire folder) When a logged in user clicks on a social landing page, these clicks are not counted. Falls dein Theme diese Möglichkeit nicht bietet, gibt es unter anderem folgende zwei Möglichkeitendiese trotzdem auf deiner WordPress Website einzubinden. It is without question that Social Warfare is the most powerful social sharing plugin available for WordPress. You can also activate Event Tracking so that you can also see in Google Analytics exactly how many times your buttons are clicked. You can choose from the 18 most popular social networks … Upload the author info with social link plugin to your blog, activate it, and then add your social link. Connect all your links and social media profiles on one page to drive more traffic. Suchen Sie dort nach "Ultimate Social Media Icons" … Mitwirkende & Entwickler „info with social link“ ist Open-Source-Software. The plugin covers the share for basically every social media, like Facebook, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Twitter, VK… The huge amount of compatible social medias is thanks to Open Graph Protocol. In diesem Praxistipp erfahren Sie die 5 besten Plugins. Within minutes, you can have Social Snap up and running. Social Share Buttons und der Datenschutz Wie gesagt, gibt es mehrere Wege, die Social-Media-Welt und deinen WordPress Blog miteinander zu verbinden. Ich rate dir deshalb, nur die Plugins zu installieren, die auch wirklich nötig sind. How can I give my member or user to have a SOCIAL LINK PAGES too? And receive the submissions directly on your site without needing any third-party tool. And through those social posts, they will know what’s new happening on your website. Best Free Social Media Plugins for WordPress 1. Instagram können Sie auch mit Wordpress nutzen. The best and most convenient plugin for microlanding. Add simple link buttons or a Mailchimp subscription form. Preview your changes right on the page. Die Einrichtung ist kinderleicht und schnell erklärt. Create a simple, mobile-friendly social bio profile landing page with all of your links, so your Instagram profile includes everything! This way you can track all inbound links that come as a direct result of Social Warfare shares. about your business on social media. Best WordPress Social Plugins. AddThis. Instalação. Outbound Link; Email; Custom Forms. /wp-content/maintenance (entire folder) Instagram mit Wordpress nutzen: Die 5 besten Plugins. Easy Social Sharing is one of the best free social sharing plugins for WordPress. Wählen Sie im Backend „Plugins“ aus und gehen Sie auf „Installieren“. Once installed, the plugin adds a new "Link Pages" section to your WordPress admin. It’s allowed to create a separated group of social link icon group to display it freely in any WordPress page, footer and header using shortcodes of each group. Giving your new and repeat visitors the … Das WordPress-Plug-in-Menü mit Social-Media-Suchergebnissen Simple to use yet powerful, this fantastic plugin is suitable for beginners as well as experts. My bug was fixed in version 0.1.9 in less than 1 hour! Installation via WordPress Dashboard: Navigate to Plugins->Add New; Search for “The Social Links” and click “Install Now” Click “Settings” or browse to the “The Social Links” once you have installed the plugin to configure your social network links. Tweak: Added border and box shadow controls for Image widget ; Tweak: In new page don’t create empty section; Tweak: Embed Roboto font from Google Fonts in editor mode ; Fix: Reset structure or remove column after resize; 0.6.4 – 2016-08-04. Unlike other plugins that just focus on a single functionality, Social Snap does it all. Great plugin, great support! .maintenance Zu viele Plugins können deine Website verlangsamen oder angreifbarer für Hacker machen. The plugin is FREE yet provides plenty of premium-like features. Create as many new link pages as you need. Add links to all of your social profiles for quick access by your customers, followers or fans. Add simple link buttons or a Mailchimp subscription form. Installation via WordPress Dashboard: Navigate to Plugins->Add New; Search for “The Social Links” and click “Install Now” Click “Settings” or browse to the “The Social Links” once you have installed the plugin to configure your social network links. Shared Counts. Thus, you can stay in touch with them even when they’re not browsing your website. Geben Sie „Social Media“ in die Suche ein oder gehen Sie auf „Plugin hochladen“, um ein Plug-in im.zip-Format hochzuladen. Add simple link buttons or a Mailchimp subscription form. Durchstöbere den Code, sieh dir das SVN Repository an oder abonniere das Entwicklungsprotokoll per RSS. Webseite Fotos Instagram Social Media Wordpress. Einmal implementiert, können Besucher jederzeit deine Beiträge und Seiten in ihren sozialen Netzwerken teilen. Translate “Social Link Pages” into your language. With 230,000+ downloads, its popularity speaks for itself. As its name suggests, the Easy Social Sharing plugin has simplified social sharing on WordPress. Selbst beliebte und gut bewertete Plugins, bei denen du es nicht erwartest. Ein „Social-Links-Menü“ ist beispielsweise beim aktuellen WordPress-Standard-Theme „Twenty Fifteen“ zu finden. “Social Link Pages” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Create a single biolink url for all your social profiles, Create multiple landing pages, microlanding pages, or squeeze pages, Mobile first and responsive. Das Social Media Flying Icons Plugin bietet … Fixed render error, or rather, it will now show a 404. If your WordPress installation is broken due to this plugin, DELETE the following over FTP/SFTP: /wp-content/social-link-pages (entire folder) As you may have seen that people provide a bunch of the codes to add in the functions.php file of your website. Great plugin, great support! Wie bei vielen Dingen, gilt auch bei WordPress-Plugins: Je weniger, desto besser! Fix: Allow blank target link for social-icons widget; 0.6.5 – 2016-08-08. Use the quick and easy page builder to customize your landing page. The new version includes the following social networks: The new version includes the following social networks: Instagram mit Wordpress nutzen: Slider Widget Plugin. „Social Link Pages“ ist Open-Source-Software. AddThis was founded in 2004 and currently supports more than three hundred social media sites. Preview your changes right on the page. Once installed, the plugin adds a new "Link Pages" section to your WordPress admin. Loggen Sie sich im Adminbereich bei Wordpress ein und wechseln Sie in den Reiter "Plugins". Button panel now opens when new button is added, Large back-end rewrite to move link pages to the posts table, Design update to make the settings page more friendly, Code reorganization to allow fo future features, Added TinyMCE to profile field to support formatting, videos, etc. Shared Counts is a fast and easy to use social media plugin for WordPress. Der Vorteil: Das passende Icon für Twitter, Facebook & Co. wird automatisch angezeigt. It allows you to reveal counters to share social networks … If … Connect all your links and social media profiles on one page to drive more traffic. You get all these premium features while still benefitting from a super-fast, … It comes with a limited... 2. 29.11.2016 12:00 | von Anna Hegeler. Display social links, social links, social, facebook, twitter, youtube, google plus, linked in on wordpress… Kjeld Hansen 100+ active installations Tested with 4.4.23 Updated 4 years ago WP Social Links (0 total ratings) Social Links Everywhere! Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. The plugin works fine and does a great job. Add links to all of your social profiles for quick access by your customers, followers or fans.
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