Per contro, l’occidente che è figlio della Ragione, sembra invece ripudiare le sue origini e accogliere a braccia aperte la bestialità musulmana. L'esperienza s'interrompe qui. Later in life, he regretted not having proposed to her. (Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock; VOY: "Flashback"; Star Trek VI: Rotta verso l'ignoto; TNG: "Relics"), Beyond his command skills, Kirk exhibited a comprehensive knowledge of starship systems. (TOS: "Gli schemi della forza", "Il sogno di un folle", "Gli androidi del dottor Korby"), Kirk strinse amicizia con il tenente istruttore Ben Finney,e questa proseguì quando prestarono servizio insieme a bordo dell'USS Republic. Khan Noonien Singh escaped from his exile on Ceti Alpha V by hijacking the USS Reliant, leading to his theft of the Genesis Device from the Regula I space station. 2:09 PM No, non servono concorsi o sondaggi, ormai è definitivo: la polizia britannica si conferma come la più stupida d'Europa. In 2287, while camping with his friends in Yosemite, he referred to himself, Spock, and McCoy as the only family that men like themselves were likely to have. Inoltre faremo ciò che serve per portarli alla nostra religione . magari è l'avvocato che cura la separazione della signora Lario? Many have speculated and have accepted the date of March 22nd to be Kirk's birthday, as it is also the birthday of William Shatner, the actor who portrayed Kirk. Via dall’Italia quella gente che non ha l’intenzione di integrarsi completamente nel nostro tessuto sociale, un benvenuto invece agli emigranti di qualsiasi razza e colore della pelle che aspirano a diventare “italiani” a tutti gli effetti. Credete che ciò possa indurre “quella stampa” a fare un passo indietro? Jackie Roberts, With the return of the Enterprise and the restoration of his memories, Kirk was able to activate an ancient planetary defense mechanism left behind by the Preservers, destroying the approaching asteroid. It may interest you to know... that since the initial use of Corbomite more than two of our centuries ago, no attacking vessel has survived the attempt. Peppa pig italiano nuovi pulsante invio nei risultati cancer and they snort inosuke the peppa pig the story and trigger engaging audio to teach school and life skills in new exciting ways. at (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror"), Scotty kept his temper throughout Korax's barrage of taunts and insults thrown at Kirk, but a cross word about the Enterprise led Scotty to throw the first punch in the K-7 bar-fight of 2267. There is one critical item of information that has never been incorporated into the memory banks of any Earth ship. da quando Đan ed io decidemmo di uscire dal Gioco. (Star Trek V: L'ultima frontiera), The demands of Kirk's career required his best possible health, closely overseen by Dr. McCoy. A lot." Quei pochi meschini magistrati che intendono abbattere il governo di Silvio Berlusconi si richiamano certamente ad un’epoca più recente, quando la magistratura godeva di un certo consenso popolare e “Mani pulite” mieteva le sue vittime tra colpevoli ed innocenti. Old. (Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock), After the assassination of Klingon Chancellor Gorkon, Kirk and McCoy were imprisoned together on Rura Penthe. It is a material and a device which prevents... attack... on us. Stephen E. Whitfield's 1968 book The Making of Star Trek states that "Kirk rose rapidly through the ranks and received his first command (the equivalent of a destroyer-class space ship) while still quite young." The renegade mission would see the death of Kirk's ship, and his son. Discovered by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D, Kirk agreed to leave his idyllic but unsatisfying existence in the Nexus, to help Picard stop the deranged scientist Tolian Soran from destroying the Veridian system. Coniuge(i): Ma nel dettaglio, il suo blog ha riportato anche delle interessanti inchieste sul tema dello spaccio dei stupefacenti a Luton e sulla prostituzione minorile, attività ben organizzate e avviate da gruppi di islamici inglesi, coadiuvati dai loro “fratelli” nelle terre d’origine (. Ok, sono consapevole che “mollare” per un lungo tempo il blue-blog, rappresenta uno sgarbo nei confronti di quei pochi ma sempre importanti lettori che lo visitano. The device emptied a victims mind of thought, leaving it vulnerable to suggestion. Diamo un'occhiata alla situazione dell’informazione in Italia partendo dalla televisione pubblica, la Rai, per la quale si paga un canone. Klingons had begun supplying the primitive native villagers with firearms, leading them to war on the neighboring Hill People. Finding Spock's body reanimated by Genesis, Kirk took the Bird-of-Prey to Vulcan, where Spock's katra and body were reunited. Memory Alpha è una comunità di FANDOM a proposito di TV. Under their powerful biochemical influence, Kirk became instantly and deeply infatuated with Elaan. Per chi è nuovo, basta leggere questo post: Qualche giorno fa Dimitri Buffa sull’Opinione ci ha regalato un bel. A cabal of Federation and Klingon officials instigated an attack on IKS Kronos One that appeared to come from the Enterprise-A, and assassinated Gorkon. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah"), Kirk fell in love with Antonia after his first retirement from Starfleet in 2281. Insomma, i maomettani sono legittimati a stracciare l, e bandiera dello stato che li accoglie; possono insultare impunemen. The incident marked the end of Orion's official neutrality. Kirk was surprised to find out Sulu had a daughter, Demora, on the maiden voyage of the Enterprise-B, and had to be reminded that he'd actually met her before. Forced izlamisation, 11:08 AM Il capitano James T. Kirk nel 2371. Sarà una categoria a parte che potrà riscattare libertà e diritti col pagamento di una tassa speciale. Si insinuano dubbi sulla sua salute mentale, sulla sua vita sessuale e infine sulla sua moralità. Nei primi anni 2250, servì come guardiamarina, assieme al suo amico Tenente Ben Finney, a bordo della USS Republic (NCC-1371). One way, or another." Mohamed Sabaoui ripete questi concetti fin dal 1996 quando aveva 25 anni ed era studente .Ora è sociologo ma anche cofondatore del “Comitato per la Difesa dei musulmani di Francia “ quindi rappresenta il famoso Islam delle moschee. You either believe in yourself or you don't." Kirk and his bridge crew became the first Starfleet officers to make visual contact with a Romulan, finally revealing their appearance to Starfleet. He referred to his own halves, "submerged... constantly at war with each other". Mohamed Sabaoui : giovane sociologo dell'università cattolica di Lille, d'origine algerina, naturalizzato francese. Quando si aprirono nuovi fronti offensivi, e alcune squadre italiane, con molti feriti, vennero circondate dai miliziani, si impedì nuovamente il ricorso alle mitragliatrici, mentre si comandò alle unità incursori di eliminare i centri di fuoco. Kirk was lost, and presumed dead. It is therefore not surprising that scholars in various fields of research (e.g. In 2268, on the surface of the Amerind planet, an accident induced amnesia in Kirk and separated him from the Enterprise landing party. Links to this post, Labels: An approachable, gregarious individual, Kirk made many friends across a range of worlds and status, from the Hill dweller Tyree to Starfleet Admiral Harry Morrow. e quindi “passate” ai giornalisti stranieri. at Il contenuto del blog rispecchia il punto di vista del suo promotore, mentre i commenti, nel caso ce ne fossero, restano di proprietà e sotto la responsabilità dei loro autori. 2293/2371 He asked of Kirk, "Do you drink whiskey?" With the help of cetacean biologist Dr. Gillian Taylor, Kirk successfully obtained the humpback whales George and Gracie and returned with them to 2286. soldati italiani, Chi crede nella laicità dello stato, nella democrazia e nella libertà ha il diritto/dovere di opporsi a questo flagello, contrastando innanzitutto le sciagurate e complici politiche multiculturali. Earlier in the week, Metropolitan police commander Shaun Sawyer told a meeting of British Muslims that police were responding to a growing threat of far-right extremist violence. Fratelli/sorelle: Dimenticavo: il "nostro", certamente esperto nell'arte della Taqqiya, ha un Blog. According to D.C. Fontana in the introduction for Star Trek: The Classic Episodes 1, when the mistake over the middle initial was discovered, Gene Roddenberry decided that if pressed for an answer on the discrepancy, the response was to be "Gary Mitchell had godlike powers, but at base he was Human. (Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock) As captain of the USS Excelsior in 2293, he penetrated the Azure Nebula in Klingon territory in an effort to rescue his former captain before he was forced to turn back, (VOY: "Flashback") and later joined Kirk in halting the Khitomer Conspiracy. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King"), Kirk's command was jeopardized by Spock when he kidnapped his horribly crippled former commander, Fleet Captain Christopher Pike, and commandeered the Enterprise. Ovviamente il tutto parte da La Repubblica e viene trasmesso anche alla stampa estera. (TOS: "Licenza di sbarco"), Gli studi accademici di Kirk lo resero noto agli uomini che avrebbe incontrato durante la sua carriera. (Star Trek II: L'ira di Khan), Kirk's drastic action taken to save Spock's katra was also an effort to save McCoy from the anguishing burden of bearing Spock's "marbles". Pertanto da alcuni mesi a questa parte si è scatenata una nuova offensiva più subdola e, diciamolo, più intelligente. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action"), Kirk returned to Neural, the site of his first Starfleet assignment, on stardate 4211.4. (Star Trek Generazioni; TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"). (TOS: "Mudd's Women"), "How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life..." (Star Trek II: L'ira di Khan), "I wanna live! Sono molte le differenze e tutte a nostro sfavore. Garth, capable of cellular metamorphosis, attempted to escape and commandeer the Enterprise by assuming the visage of Kirk. In 2379, the Enterprise-E had a series of battle maneuvers named for Kirk, including the evasive maneuver "pattern Kirk epsilon". The Metrons were impressed by Kirk's act of mercy and allowed both ships to go free. On the surface of the planet Excalbia, a silicon-based Excalbian re-created the historical figures Surak, Genghis Khan, Phillip Green, Kahless and Zora. Kirk aroused the subverted Gill in time to avert Ekos' impending war with neighboring Zeon, and heard Gill recant his philosophies before he died. Alan Johnson, But I'm not... because... Dr. McCoy is right in pointing out the enormous danger potential in any contact with life and intelligence as fantastically advanced as this. In fact, they had discovered the Shore Leave Planet, and the advanced technologies left behind by an ancient, enigmatic species. Muslim groups in the UK are calling for more protection from the Nazi UK popu, Hamas Al Fatah - Piccole ma sostanziali differenze. Taken hostage by Klingons, David interrupted an attempted execution of Lieutenant Saavik, wrestling a Klingon warrior briefly before he was killed with a stab to the chest. Do you understand?" The only episodes from Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Animated Series in which Kirk does not appear are the first pilot, TOS: "The Cage", and the animated episode "The Slaver Weapon". Stato Civile: Pakistan, The Enterprise was destroyed, taking a Klingon boarding party along with it. An official threat against my life. (TOS: "The Tholian Web"), McCoy advises Kirk on the bridge of the Enterprise, McCoy's retirement from Starfleet in 2270 ended abruptly when Kirk, through Admiral Nogura, reactivated McCoy's commission for the 'Enterprise's emergency deployment for the V'Ger crisis. Il Governatore Kodos, in sintonia con l'antica filosofia eugenetica, cercò di salvare una parte della sua colonia uccidendo 4000 coloni, che egli riteneva fossero meno vicini a lui oppure non in grado di sopravvivere. Risk... risk is our business! 4 I've never been able to forgive them for the death of my boy." All now becomes clear, the "soft" policing of Muslim rioters, the lack of will in deporting people lik. magistrati, You belong in a circus, Spock, not a starship. These names were: This memo was reprinted in The Making of Star Trek. "Che ci 'vuo fa' ". He discovered he had to. Sono pazzi questi inglesi, Posted by Tuttavia è ormai chiaro che anche se questi ultimi attacchi dovessero finire in un nulla di fatto, si dovrebbe cominciare a temere seriamente per la vita del nostro Premier. Links to this post, Posted by (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II"), When the Enterprise passed through the Omicron Delta region, Kirk hoped to get his crew (and himself) some badly needed shore leave. At Cochrane's request, Kirk did not log the encounter. I find this rather enjoyable." (TOS: "The Conscience of the King"), "You'll learn something about men and women... the way they're supposed to be. Ritengo che l’Occidente stia compiendo un grosso errore di valutazione preoccupandosi di annientare soltanto quella parte dell’Islam costituita dalle falangi fondamentaliste responsabili delle innumerevoli stragi di questo decennio. Suffering from polywater intoxication in 2266, Kirk confided his attraction for Rand to Spock, and later reached out to her hesitantly, longing for the woman that he couldn't approach but for his duty. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain"), After the freighter USS Huron was attacked and looted, the starship Enterprise captured the Orion vessel responsible. The wit and wisdom of Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk. golpe, The ruse allowed Kirk, surgically altered to look Romulan, to infiltrate the Romulan vessel and steal their cloaking device. In 2285, Spock was calmly able to tell Kirk, "You're my superior officer. (Star Trek: Il film), Though Hikaru Sulu was briefly an Enterprise physicist, (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before") Kirk transferred him to the command division, where he became the ship's senior helmsman throughout the historic five-year mission. I could order this. After Spock's ultimate goal was revealed, to allow Pike, a Starfleet hero, to live a semblance of normality under Talosian illusion, Starfleet declined to prosecute the matter. del Danubio, ma conto di tornare per qualche giorno in Italia (lo scorso agosto ho trascorso ben 2 giorni 2 a Udine) e nella mia amata Slavonia. Links to this post, Labels: Napolitano, Ziva, Posted by Kirk's opinion of Klingons, once enemies he could occasionally respect and even share a laugh with, grew into hatred. Una altro passo verso l'integrazione della Gran Bretagna con l'Islam. Silenzio invece, quando governa la Sinistra. Il fatto è che io non son certo qui per "far la permanente ai ricci", anzi, il lavoro mi porta a viaggiare spesso e proprio nell’ultimo vagabondaggio è capitato un contrattempo (nulla di grave) che mi ha costretto a restare lontano dalla tastiera per un certo periodo. The two lived together for some time before Kirk decided to rejoin Starfleet. Finney blamed Kirk for his subsequent inability to gain a command of his own. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise"), In 2267, Spock began his pon farr mating cycle, and behaved bizarrely aboard the Enterprise. James Tiberius Kirk fu probabilmente il più famoso Capitano pluri-decorato di una nave stellare nella storia della Flotta Stellare della Federazione. (Star Trek IV: Rotta verso la Terra), "... either you're with me or you're not!" He ultimately resisted the more compelling effects of the tears and fulfilled his duties, but both Elaan and Kirk experienced a tangible sense of loss at their melancholy final parting. Ma per certa stampa sono dettagli inutili, che non serve riportare nei loro articoli. Kirk's accelerated dotage forced the visiting Commodore Stocker to relieve Kirk from command of the Enterprise until a cure was discovered by Dr. McCoy. The minister then kindly left his copy for the Palace for any future ceremonies by fellow Muslims. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror"), A distress call led the Enterprise to the crippled USS Constellation, nearly destroyed by an ancient planet killer deemed a Doomsday machine. Capitano De Donno, Interprete(i): Kirk called to Spock "the best First Officer in the Fleet" and "an enormous asset to me" as he pled with Spock to explain his actions. (TOS: "A Private Little War"), "You could serve as Human sacrifice." That Kirk even held these ranks is unknown, with the possibility existing that Kirk was promoted directly to Captain from the rank of Lieutenant. Kirk subsequently killed Kruge and all but one of his crew. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver", "The Naked Time"), Part of Kirk reached out for her without hesitation. Kirk 2265.jpg As Kirk's party prepared to return to their proper universe, Kirk implored the mirror-Spock to re-examine his role in the fascistic Terran Empire, insisting "One man can make a difference". The following notes attempt to reconcile the "mysteries" of Kirk and canon, but these questions may never be satisfactorily answered. Anticipating the result of a Vulcan's strength pitted against him, Kirk wielded a pipe for protection. Sono pazzi questi inglesi, Stato: 11:29 AM comments Cronache dalla sponda più sfigata del Danubio. Though their friendship was effectively over, Lieutenant Commander Finney served aboard the Enterprise in 2267 as Records officer. Do you wish that the first Apollo mission hadn't reached the moon, or that we hadn't gone on to Mars or the nearest star? at Oggi, nel 2009, poco è cambiato. Shari'a, Dhimmitude, Keeler's death was found to be the focal point in history needing repair. As if you've always been there and always will." When the salt vampire of planet M-113 attacked Kirk, it appeared to McCoy as Nancy Crater, a past love and a particularly powerful impediment to inflict harm. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"), Kirk observed Scotty's infatuation with two young and attractive lieutenants, Carolyn Palamas and Mira Romaine, with bemused detachment at first, until the "stiff-necked thistle-head" abandoned his usual solid professionalism and required Kirk's stern, but affectionate, scolding. The polywater intoxication that affected the Enterprise crew in 2266, led to a difficult encounter between Kirk and his first officer. As a commander in his own right, Hikaru Sulu disobeyed his orders by attempting to rescue Kirk and McCoy from Klingon imprisonment, and later coming to Kirk's aid at the Battle of Khitomer. Sono pazzi questi inglesi, No, non servono concorsi o sondaggi, ormai è definitivo: la polizia britannica si conferma come la più stupida d'Europa. Ebbene, i fondamentalisti sono fermamente convinti che la fine dell’Unione Sovietica e del comunismo sia da attribuire all’intervento divino che ha voluto così colpire chi voleva portare l’ateismo nei loro territori. imbecille britannico meriti decisamente il, riconoscimento per il massimo idiota della settimana, Fosca è perplesso: Ma che mai avrà voluto dire con quel ", a society...where we can go and live and work in other countries. "So you could attack me again? Kirk feels these responsibilities strongly and is fully capable of letting the worry and frustration lead him into error. Berlusconi, 10:55 PM Vacanze, It was not until Spock, Nurse Chapel, and Dr. Janet Wallace were able to concoct a new type of treatment based on an old-style adrenaline radiation therapy that Kirk and his party were cured, just in time for the captain to regain his ability to command and save the Enterprise from a heavy Romulan attack. Even after the horrific encounter with the Redjac entity, the "old Aberdeen pub-crawler" was eager to join Kirk on a second expedition to the planet. comments They would participate in the same class together, with Kirk holding the rank of lieutenant. Lionhearth, image-top Abbandonare l'Afghanistan è una follia Possibili scenari. Kirk fell in love with Rayna Kapec, an android built by Flint to give him company in his final days of seclusion. Per mesi la stampa e alcune televisioni pubbliche (RAI) e private aprono i loro giornali non con le notizie sulla crisi economica o sulla politica internazionale, ma con la (falsa) storia di Noemi e Berlusconi. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"), In 2267, after experiencing violent time distortions, the Enterprise discovered the source, the Guardian of Forever. So neat and painless, you've had no reason to stop it. After Leighton's murder and the revelation of other witnesses' deaths, Kirk convinced Lenore Karidian to bring the acting troupe aboard Enterprise. Letras em Português ... Don't make me get violent I want my ring back, baby that's a diamond You don't listen anyways I'll be quiet I don't really feel like fighting {Verse 1} Don't make me run away out the back door I want my clothes back You say you miss me, so then I drive back to you In 2263, Kirk's would break off a relationship with Areel Shaw. Fosca (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine"), Kirk, Spock and McCoy discovered Zefram Cochrane, the inventor of the warp drive, missing for 150 years, on a planetoid, kept alive and young by the Companion energy being. Khilafah, D’altra parte, se l’offensiva contro il terrorismo fondamentalista ha provocato parecchi morti tra i militari della coalizione, i talebani non cantano certamente vittoria: vengono sistematicamente annientati in battaglia; i risultati più rilevanti, ma solo dal punto di vista mediatico, li ottengono solamente quando i servizi di intelligence falliscono, le informative tardano o non sono dettagliate, e le bombe scoppiano.... Sono vittorie di Pirro che a nulla varrebbero se non fossero così enfatizzate dalla stampa occidentale che per altro non tralascia mai di porre enfasi anche sul numero dei civili o presunti tali, uccisi durante le incursioni delle forze alleate. Mohamed Sabaoui, Posted by Ottobre 22, 2002, Oriana Fallaci si rivolge all'uditorio dell'American Enterprise Institute. One was an un-named "blonde lab tech", to whom he was introduced by his friend, Gary Mitchell. "I am here, Captain." In soldoni, avevo salvato nelle bozze ciò che avevo scritto e per caso l’ho ritrovato pubblicato. The two proceeded to slug each other until they were bleeding and exhausted. (TOS: "Spectre of the Gun", "The Savage Curtain", "The Omega Glory", "The City on the Edge of Forever", "A Piece of the Action"), A charismatic and successful leader, Kirk inspired loyalty from his officers, some of whom would spend the bulk of their careers under his command. Posted by Somewhat respectful of Khan's integrity and abilities, Kirk exiled Khan and his people on planet Ceti Alpha V, where the former tyrant would have a chance to "tame a world" without threatening others. Morte: But we can stop it! caption-bottom Quarterly physical checks tested his physical fitness as well as general health. He made a mistake.". As she crossed a street to meet Kirk, he was forced to hold McCoy back while she was struck and killed by an automobile, thus restoring the timeline. The ISS Enterprise was captained by a sadistic alternate version of Captain Kirk, whose first officer was a ruthless, bearded Spock. Kirk introduced Shahna to the wider universe around her, and the Human concept of love. After various crew members witnessed Kirk's spectral image, he was retrieved from interphase, and the Enterprise used the rift to escape Tholian entrapment. He sold the cabin sometime after his return to Starfleet. Il Giornale, image-bottom While attending the Academy, Kirk was romantically involved with at least three women. Alcune informazioni ed immagini inserite dal promotore del blog o dai suoi lettori, sono provenienti da Internet e quindi valutate di pubblico dominio. was one of the few times he familiarly addressed Kirk. After Montgomery Scott's recovery from a transporter loop in 2369, the old engineer's first assumption was that Kirk himself had taken the Enterprise out of mothballs to come to his rescue. He urged Spock to use all the Vulcan disciplines at his disposal, tempered with intuitive insight. Lieutenant Uhura became communications officer and Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu was transferred to the helm. Alcuni nostri soldati hanno perso la vita in Afghanistan: ok, è accaduto. That would be foolish." (TOS: "The Apple"), "You sleep lightly, captain." The pursuit took the two belligerents through Metron space. Even after McCoy began a program of exhaustive (and exhausting) quarterly physicals and interfered with Kirk's usual diet, their friendship grew rapidly. Sadly, Kirk was forced to kill his friend that same year when a fateful encounter with the galactic barrier mutated Mitchell into a godlike, and eventually power-mad being. Kabul, la Folgore, gli innocenti, gli imbecilli. (Star Trek II: L'ira di Khan), "KHAAAAAAN!!!" (TOS: "The Deadly Years", "Court Martial"), During an Enterprise lab's Christmas party in 2265, Kirk engaged in brief flirtation with Dr. Helen Noel that ended unsatisfactorily for Kirk, who exhibited irritation when she was assigned by McCoy to help Kirk investigate Tantalus Penal Colony. ritiro, Not only the youngest captain in the fleet's history at that time, Kirk was slated to command one of the twelve Classe Constitution starships, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). Che la Rai non sia indipendente è un fatto chiaro, anche se non tollerato unanimemente. Ignoring Spock's advice to destroy Mitchell immediately, Kirk hesitated until after Mitchell killed navigator Lee Kelso. (TOS: "The Naked Time", "This Side of Paradise", "Amok Time"), Kirk was constantly looking to improve his arsenal of combat techniques.
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