Claude Burgniard, a flight attendant, recalled noticing that the "police" were armed; she considered this as unusual as the Algerian police were not usually armed while performing checks. [3], All of the hijackers died. Since the auxiliary power unit, which uses four tonnes of fuel per day, ran throughout the crisis, the aircraft did not have sufficient fuel to reach Paris. The hijackers demanded that if the Algerian government did not let the A300 take off before 9:30 P.M., the hijackers would kill one passenger every 30 minutes, starting with Beugnet. Os negociadores atrasaram o ultimato, abastecendo com comida e água adicionais, esvaziando os tanques dos banheiros e fornecendo aspiradores de pó. Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) at Houari Boumedienne Airport, Algiers, Algeria, where they killed three passengers, with the intention to blow up the plane over the Eiffel Tower … Air France Flight 8969 - Hijacking Event data and astrological dominants. Dhellemme believes that the passengers' motives were sincere. According to Balladur, the Algerian authorities wanted to crack down on the terrorists and that Balladur encountered difficulties discussing the events. Delhemme disse que, após a provação do sequestro ter passado, ele se recusou a sair com as mãos na cabeça e ser "punido como uma criança". According to Kakachi, the passengers were silent and began to feel panicked. Portanto, ele recebeu o apelido de "Homem Louco" dos passageiros. [9] It was stated explicitly that a mole with the GIA terrorists informed the French, but not Algerian,[Clarification needed]. Após um pequeno atraso no reposicionamento na parte de cima da escada de embarque, as forças do GIGN conseguiram entrar. [4], Doze horas após a chegada do A300 a Marselha, a GIGN sabia quantos sequestradores estavam a bordo e sua localização na aeronave com a ajuda de dispositivos de escuta, equipamentos de visão infravermelha e microfones "canhão". [3] Charles Pasqua said in an interview that the French government had decided that the aircraft was not going to leave Marseille, regardless of the consequences. The hijackers, using the captain to speak for them, demanded the release of two Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) political party leaders, Abassi Madani and Ali Belhadj, who were in house arrest; the FIS was banned in Algeria in 1992. [4], Esta foi uma desvantagem tática para o GIGN; as posições basearam-se na aeronave estacionada onde as autoridades francesas ordenaram a colocação do A300.'otages_du_Vol_8969_Air_France [2], At 12 noon, Alain Juppé, Foreign Minister of France, organized a crisis team, and Charles Pasqua, Interior Minister of France, met his aides. [2] At 8 PM the Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) operatives boarded an Airbus A300 aircraft similar to F-GBEC, the aircraft on Flight 8969, at a military base in France. Captain Dhellemme confronted Yahia and asked him if the aircraft would be blown up between Algiers and Marseille. The captain could not take off as the aircraft boarding stairs were still attached to the A300 and the Algerian authorities blocked the runway with parked vehicles. Eles ameaçaram atirar nele e jogá-lo para fora da porta. Favier planejou ter duas equipes, cada uma com onze pessoas, abrindo as portas traseiras esquerda e direita do A300. Estava escuro lá fora e a aeronave estava cercada por holofotes. Dhellemme recalled that when the flight attendant appeared with a bottle of water and glasses she whispered to him that two passengers, not one, have died. The negotiators delayed the ultimatum by giving the aircraft additional food and water, emptying the toilet tanks, and providing vacuum cleaners. [2] Several passengers recalled him pleading "Don't kill me, I have a wife and child! Passenger Zahida Kakachi recalls Lofti calmly converting two woman to Islam, herself and another woman, though Kakachi was only pretending so that she would not enrage or upset Lofti. At several points in the conflict, the situation in Algeria became a point of international concern, most notably during the crisis surrounding Air France Flight 8969… Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers, Algeria.The terrorists murdered three passengers and their intention was to blow up the plane over the Eiffel Tower in Paris. [2], 3 passengers were already dead prior to the raid De acordo com Burgniard, Lotfi foi o sequestrador que insistiu que os passageiros seguissem a lei islâmica. Dhellemme believed him and prepared for takeoff. Air France Flight 8969 Hijacking (GIGN Raid) 17 Oct 2011 | Posted by Member 26835147. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion [4] Três membros da tripulação ficaram feridos. 21 years ago today, Air France Flight #AF8969 (F-GBEC) was hijacked by four Armed Islamic Group (GIA) terrorists at Houari Boumedienne Airport, Algiers, Algeria. O primeiro-ministro francês Édouard Balladur foi chamado de volta de seu feriado de Natal em Chamonix, na França, e outros funcionários do governo também foram convocados de suas férias. O capitão Delhemme foi até a cabine dos passageiros por volta das 2h00 da manhã seguinte (01:00 GMT) para verificar a situação; ele disse que estava "calma" durante esse tempo. The information arrived at the Consulate General of France in Oran, Algeria. O sequestrador apelidado de "O Assassino" atirou nos reféns que os sequestradores tinham como alvo. [2] Of the 154Note a remaining passengers, 13 received minor injuries. Com a visão desobstruída, os atiradores começaram a atirar na cabine, enquanto o GIGN evacuava os passageiros na parte traseira da aeronave. O comissário de bordo Christophe Morin parou de trabalhar para a Air France e começou a trabalhar para uma organização de caridade. [3], The pilot toured the cabin at about 2 A.M. Dhellemme said that the cabin was "calm" during that time. [2], Abdul Abdullah Yahia and the other three members of the Armed Islamic Group (Groupe Islamique Armé, or GIA) brandished firearms and explosives and demanded cooperation from the 220 passengers and 12 flight crew. O governo francês foi informado dos acontecimentos. He even saw two of the hijackers sleeping on the floor. "[2], The aircraft approached Marseille during the early hours of 26 December. Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers, Algeria. O GIGN havia treinado em uma aeronave vazia, na qual o sistema de suspensão do avião não estava tão comprimido, levando a uma superestimativa da altura necessária da escada de embarque. [3] They also took the uniforms of the cabin crew to confuse Algerian army snipers. Em vez disso, os sequestradores abriram a porta e dispararam contra a aeronave. [4], O líder dos terroristas, Abdul Abdullah Yahia, um assassino notório, e os outros três membros do Grupo Islâmico Armado (Groupe Islamique Armé, ou GIA) exibiram armas de fogo e explosivos e anunciaram sua lealdade ao GIA, exigindo cooperação dos 220 passageiros e dos doze tripulantes. Pilot Bernard Dhellemme said that he was in "a rather bad spot", so he crouched and made himself "as small as possible." Jean-Paul Borderie era o primeiro oficial (co-piloto) e Alain Bossuat o engenheiro de voo. One hijacker did not give his name to the passengers, so they called him "Bill." Kakachi se lembra de ter ouvido um dos "policiais" dizer "taghut", uma palavra em árabe para "infiel", ao ver os homens do GIS reunidos em frente ao A300; ela então percebeu que os quatro homens a bordo do avião eram terroristas mujahideen que busca estabelecer um estado islâmico na Argélia. [2] Alain Gehin, the Chief of Police of Marseille, spoke to the group of hijackers in the control tower. In this instance, however, the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN) successfully raided the plane, killing all four members of the GIA, in an extraordinarily successful counter-terrorist operations. Flights between Algiers and Paris are now Flights 1555, 1855, 2155, and 2455 (operating to Charles de Gaulle instead of Orly). The hijackers began to target the French passengers; two staff members of the Embassy of France in Algeria, a secretary and a chef, were on board. Abderahmane Meziane-Cherif, the Minister of the Interior of Algeria, came to the airport control tower to begin negotiating with the hijackers. Eles selecionaram Bui Giang To, de 48 anos, adido comercial da Embaixada do Vietnã na Argélia. The GIGN squad practiced entering the A300 before Flight 8969 arrived in Marseille. [4] A certa altura, os sequestradores desistiram da exigência de libertação dos líderes do FIS. The hijackers offered to release the remaining Algerian passengers, therefore the French passengers would be the ones still on board. Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers, Algeria.The terrorists murdered three passengers and their intention was to blow up the plane over the Eiffel Tower in Paris. As his ammunition was depleted, he died from a gunshot wound. Burgniard lembrou que os sequestradores, na cabine, pareciam animados e "como crianças". [3] Favier explained in an interview that the enemy was arriving in friendly territory, and the power difference would be a key element in the struggle. How can the authorities deal with the hijackers and save all passengers on-board? Borderie fraturou o cotovelo e coxa na queda de 5 metros (16 pés) entre a cabine e a pista de concreto. Durante a verificação do passaporte, os sequestradores notaram que um dos passageiros do voo era um policial argelino. [3] As a result of Balladur's demands, 39 hours after the start of the hijacking, Zeroual allowed the aircraft to leave Algiers. When the aircraft moved, the GIGN had to quickly reorganize its forces. Pela janela da cabine, um sequestrador atirou na escada que continha a equipe avançada do GIGN. The hijackers returned fire, attacking the GIGN forces. [3] Police confirmed this plan after a raid on a safe house. French Prime Minister Édouard Balladur allowed Favier to take whatever actions he felt were necessary; after the hijackers fired at the control tower, Favier decided to begin the raid. 2008-08-21: new. Todos os sequestradores foram mortos. Dellemme parked the aircraft at the foot of the airport control tower and in close proximity to the terminal and other aircraft. Air France Flight 8969 was a plane, that was hijacked by 4 Terrorists in Algeria that was headed to France on the 24th of December 1994. [3] Favier said that he determined that the operation was a success since none of the GIGN received fatal injuries. Twenty minutes of relaxation and twenty minutes of torture. [1], À medida que o sequestro avançava, os passageiros reconheceram as personalidades dos sequestradores. Burgniard said that she does not wear the medal, but that she felt like she deserved it. Nesse ponto, o atendente sussurrou para Delhemme que os sequestradores haviam matado um passageiro. And this information was very worrying. [3] The men planted eavesdropping devices while others trained long-range "cannon" microphones on the A300's fuselage and windows. French special forces storming the hijacked Air France plane on Dec. 24, 1994. Vinte minutos de relaxamento e vinte minutos de tortura. Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group (AIG) at Houari Boumedienne Airport, Algiers, Algeria, where the terrorists murdered three passengers, with the intention to blow up the plane over the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Air France Flight 8969 has been hijacked. Lotfi found women having their heads uncovered "intolerable," making him very angry. Os sequestradores sabiam que os negociadores estavam na torre de controle, então, pela janela lateral da cabine, eles começaram a disparar metralhadoras contra a torre de controle. The hijacker nicknamed "The Killer" shot the hostages who the hijackers had targeted. A significant number of the passengers were French people leaving Algeria. Définitions de air france 8969, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de air france 8969, dictionnaire analogique de air france 8969 (anglais) Charles Pasqua, então Ministro do Interior, disse que ao longo de toda a provação a tripulação "se mostrou à altura". Burgniard, who also received a message of thanks from the airline, never again worked for Air France. [2], A former militant group leader admitted that the men had planned to detonate the aircraft over the Eiffel Tower. [nota 1] O capitão Bernard Delhemme disse que os sequestradores, que planejaram exaustivamente a operação, não previram que a maioria dos passageiros seria argelina. [2] At 5:35 PM, Favier radioed to the tower that the incident was over; the incident unfolded in 54 hours. [4] Alain Gehin, Chefe da Polícia de Marselha, falou ao grupo de sequestradores na torre de controle. O objetivo era criar uma área para o GIGN durante a invasão. The forces planned to isolate the cockpit, with Yahia, from the rest of the aircraft. Five of the seven crew and 52 of the 69 passengers lost their lives, while two crew … Nesse ponto, três dos quatro sequestradores foram mortos a tiros. The terrorists' true aim was to crash the plane in Paris. The French authorities deliberately led the aircraft away from the terminal and into a remote corner of the airport. [4] Depois que o avião do GIGN chegou ao aeroporto de Palma de Maiorca, o governo argelino deixou claro que as forças francesas não eram bem-vindas na Argélia. Os pilotos e a maioria dos passageiros não perceberam a princípio que o homem havia morrido. Sources differ: TIME magazine states there were initially 227 passengers,[3] while Peter Taylor said "Most of the 220 passengers and 12 crew were settling into their seats ... around 11 am four armed men appeared in the cabin". Most of the 227 passengers had settled into their seats in an almost festive mood, as they looked forward to … [3][5] Of those freed at the end TIME claims 173 passengers and crew, while Taylor's figures indicate 166 (154 passengers and 12 crew); Aviation Safety Network indicates 163 remaining alive (170 occupants with 7 fatalities) at 17:00 26 December 1994.[4]. Directed by Chantal Hebert. Uma terceira equipe de oito policiais abriria a porta da frente direita. Os pilotos agora tentavam neutralizar a situação conversando com os sequestradores e tentando ganhar sua confiança. Kakachi recalled that the police officer, two rows behind her, was hesitant to follow the hijackers as he did not know what was going to happen. Burgniard disse que ela não usa a medalha, mas que ela sente que a merece. [3][5], The Algerian police used night vision devices to identify the lead hijacker, Abdul Abdullah Yahia. [12] O voo 8969 passou a ser um code-share para o voo 1584 da Delta Air Lines entre o Aeroporto Internacional Greater Rochester e o Aeroporto Internacional de Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson. Flight attendant Christophe Morin stopped working for Air France and began to work for a charitable organization. [4] Bernard Delhemme voltou a voar e trabalhou para a Air France por nove anos antes de se aposentar. The attendant then whispered to the captain that the hijackers had already killed a passenger. Algeria was in a state of civil war at the time of the hijacking. Captain Dhellemme said that throughout the time in Marseille, there had been tension, but "nothing like what seemed to be about to happen." This episode tells the story of Air France Flight 8969 which was an Air France flight that was hijacked on December 24, 1994 at Houari Boumedienne Airport in Algiers by four armed men dressed as Algerian policemen. Ele se lembra de ter colocado o sobretudo sobre a cabeça para não ver as balas traçadoras e outras ocorrências durante o ataque. A third team of eight would open the front right door. [2], During the passport check, the hijackers had discovered that an Algerian police officer was a passenger on the flight. [3] Burignard described To as "the real foreigner on this plane." [3] The snipers on the tower could not get a clear shot into the aircraft as the copilot, Jean-Paul Borderie, blocked the view of the snipers. [2], Burignard recalled that the hijackers, mostly Lofti, did not like seeing a lack of adherence to their Islamic beliefs; according to Burignard, the hijackers objected to men and women sitting together and sharing the same toilets and women having uncovered heads. With Jonathan Aris, Jean Pearson, Jean-Michel Nadeau, Jean-Marc Fontaine. [2] The hijackers used the chef, Yannick Beugnet, by having him plead in the microphone. [2], During the night, the French military gave authorization to send its forces to Majorca, Spain; this was as close to Algeria as possible without being accused of interfering in the situation. Zahida Kakachi lembrou-se de Lotfi tentando calmamente convertê-la e outra aeromoça ao Islã, embora Kakachi estivesse apenas fingindo para que ela não o enfurecesse.[4]. Zitouni extended the GIA's attacks on … [3], Os sequestradores libertaram alguns dos passageiros, principalmente mulheres com crianças e pessoas com problemas graves de saúde. De acordo com Delhemme, ele pediu um copo d'água ao atendente para aliviar a garganta seca dos pilotos. A mídia começou a chegar ao aeroporto para cobrir a crise. [2] The flight engineer, Alain Bossuat, radioed the tower stating that the hijackers were dead and that there were no more left. The hijackers did not know that Major Denis Favier's GIGN squad was already in Marseille,[2] having flown from Majorca to a military base near Marseille, and planned to storm the aircraft while it was in Marseille. Philippe Legorjus, que na época era conselheiro de segurança da companhia aérea, lembrou que vidros estilhaçaram em volta dos negociadores. Air France Flight 8969 was a regular flight en route to Orly Airport, Paris from Houari Boumedienne Airport in Algeria with 236 occupants (including passengers, crew, and hijackers). O primeiro-ministro Balladur disse que pediu ao governo argelino "com extrema veemência e urgência" que autorizasse a decolagem da aeronave. By Christmas morning, new information arrived via a mole in the Armed Islamic Group: We received this information directly from members of the Algerian secret service. [1][4] Pouco antes da meia-noite, o primeiro-ministro francês disse ao presidente da Argélia, Liamine Zéroual, que a França estava pronta para receber o voo da Air France. The plane, a wide-bodied Airbus A300 aircraft, landed at Marseilles at 3:15 A.M. local time, 40 hours after the gunmen seized control of Air France's Flight 8969 … Os passageiros argelinos garantiram-lhe que os sequestradores estavam blefando enquanto os passageiros franceses exigiam que a aeronave tivesse permissão para decolar. [3] An elderly Algerian man told the TF1 network that the hijackers "had a kind of art in their terror. [2], This was a tactical disadvantage for the GIGN; the positions were based on the aircraft being parked where the French authorities ordered the placement of the A300. [4] Os sequestradores dispararam através da pele do A300. [4], Às 17h (16:00 GMT), as autoridades não haviam entregue nenhuma quantidade de combustível ao A300. [2] By the end of Saturday, the hijackers freed a total of 63 passengers. Favier explicou que a entrevista coletiva foi uma tática importante, pois permitiu que os passageiros fossem transferidos para a parte traseira da aeronave. Dec 14, 2016 - 1994 ♦ December 24 – Air France Flight 8969, an Airbus A300, is hijacked on the tarmac at Algiers, Algeria, by the militant group GIA. He insisted that the aircraft would not be detonated, that the plane would go to Marseille, be refuelled then fly to Paris for the press conference. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Ele achava que o governo francês tinha a responsabilidade de resolver o problema, já que a aeronave pertencia a uma companhia aérea francesa e quase um terço dos passageiros eram franceses. Yahia insistiu que o avião voaria para Marselha, abasteceria e depois voaria para Paris para a entrevista coletiva. Demolition experts determined that the plane was likely rigged in a way that would cause it to explode. [3], 25-year-old Abdul Abdullah Yahia, also known as "The Emir," was a petty thief and greengrocer from the Bab El Oued neighbourhood of Algiers. Favier explained in an interview that the press conference was an important tactic as it allowed the passengers to be moved to the rear of the aircraft. Philippe Legorjus, a former Air France security adviser, said in an interview that the airline employees "lived through" the event "with great emotion." The 4 men appeared normal, their blue attire that of the Algerian Presidential police with Air Algirie logos inscribed. They threatened to shoot him and throw him out the door. Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) at Houari Boumedienne Airport, Algiers, Algeria, where the terrorists murdered three passengers, with the intention to blow up the plane over the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Air France Flight 8969 - Hijacking: Astrological Article and Chart. [1] Ela também recebeu uma mensagem de agradecimento da companhia aérea, nunca mais trabalhou para a Air France. Os especialistas em demolição determinaram que o avião provavelmente estava armado de uma maneira que faria com que explodisse. [1], A comissária de bordo Claude Burgniard disse que os sequestradores sentiram que o desembarque em Marselha foi um "momento mágico", já que chegaram à França. Christophe Morin, a flight attendant, recalled that the GIGN ordered passengers and crew to get down as low as possible with their hands over their heads, hide, and then to not move. Burgniard recalled realizing, with the other occupants, that "things were going wrong" when the hijackers came to collect another passenger. Air France Flight 8969 has been hijacked. Horas depois, as autoridades receberam a notícia do plano da bomba incendiária. Em seguida, as outras duas unidades entraram na parte traseira da aeronave. Favier explicou em uma entrevista que o inimigo estava chegando em território amigo, e a diferença de poder seria um elemento chave na luta. Os negociadores disseram que Yahia falava um francês "aproximado" e sempre terminava suas frases em "Insha'Allah" ("se Deus quiser"). Esta página foi editada pela última vez às 22h12min de 6 de setembro de 2020. Air France Flights: Air France Flight 447, Air France Flight 8969, Air France Flight 358, Air France Flight 4590, 1962 Air France Orly Cra: Books, LLC: Livres anglais et étrangers Favier planejou parecer conciliador e prolongar as negociações o máximo possível. With Jonathan Aris, Jean Pearson, Jean-Michel Nadeau, Jean-Marc Fontaine. Change Notes . Allah nos escolheu como seus soldados. The 4 men appeared normal, their blue attire that of the Algerian Presidential police with Air Algirie logos inscribed. Quando a primeira escada de embarque alcançou a porta dianteira de estibordo (direita), tornou-se aparente que ela estava elevada demais em relação à moldura da porta para uma entrada uniforme na aeronave. Find and book AF8969 flights on and save up to 55%. Outro passageiro disse que os sequestradores "pareciam empolgados, muito eufóricos" e disseram aos ocupantes que dariam uma lição aos franceses e ao mundo e mostrariam o que eram capazes de fazer. [1] Balladur se lembra de ter passado a tarde inteira ao telefone, tentando determinar o que estava acontecendo e se sentindo confuso. [2], By 5 PM, the authorities had not delivered any amount of fuel to the A300. [3] Grenades erupted and smoke went through the cabin. "[2], Morin and passenger Zahida Kakachi co-authored the book Le vol Alger-Marseille : Journal d'otages. Yahia, frustrado com a ausência da imprensa e sentindo que as autoridades estavam tramando algo, ordenou que o piloto movesse a aeronave. She recalled that To was not intimidated by the hijackers and believes that this attitude upset the hijackers. According to Burignard, Lotfi was the hijacker who insisted that the passengers follow Islamic law. The flight was scheduled for December 24, 1994, at 1105 a.m. local time. Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers, Algeria.The terrorists murdered three passengers and their intention was to blow up the plane over the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Morin described the situation as "violent". [2] Burignard stated in an interview that she did not know whether Yahia had decided not to execute the crew member; she knew that he kept delaying the execution. The tension in the air was as thick on the tarmac of the Marseilles Provence Airport. The pilot was eventually ordered to fly the plane to Marseilles, France … A woman said that the men "were polite and, correct" and that they "had the determined air of cold-blooded killers." Yahia entrou na cabine de passageiros para escolher uma quarta pessoa para matar. The hijackers would probably have said the same so that the crew wouldn't take action against them. Air France Flight 8969 was an Air France flight that was hijacked on 24 December 1994 by the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers, Algeria.The terrorists murdered three passengers and their intention was to blow up the plane over the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 100% (1/1) civil war civil conflict Algeria. Bernard Delhemme era o capitão do voo. O piloto Bernard Delhemme disse que estava "em uma posição bastante ruim", então se agachou e se fez "o menor possível".[4]. [1] Eles também levaram os uniformes dos pilotos para confundir os atiradores do exército argelino. De acordo com Kakachi, os passageiros ficaram em silêncio e começaram a entrar em pânico. However, in a recent Discovery Channel episode of the show "Mayday", titled "Killing Machines", it is stated that the plane really didn't have enough fuel to make it to Paris because the plane's APU (Auxiliary … [1] Favier disse que determinou que a operação foi um sucesso, uma vez que nenhum dos comandos do GIGN sofreu ferimentos fatais. Indeed, the hijackers of the Air France flight 8969 intended to blow it up above the Parisian monument, in a grim foreshadowing of the events of 9/11. Dhellemme said that, after the hijacking ordeal had run its course, he refused to leave with his hands on his head and be "punished like a child." [4] Os sequestradores forçaram o secretário-chefe de gabinete, Yannick Beugnet, a implorar ao microfone. Passengers who were released in Algiers stated that the A300 had been rigged with explosives. [2][3] Women who did not have veils used aircraft blankets to cover their heads. Claude Burgniard, uma das comissárias de bordo, lembrou ter notado que os "policiais" estavam armados e um deles mostrava uma banana de dinamite, o que considerou incomum porque a polícia argelina não ficava normalmente armada para efetuar as operações. O comando do GIGN, Philippe Bardelli, estava liderando uma coluna pela escada aérea dianteira direita, enquanto aquela equipe tinha a tarefa de lançar granadas de atordoamento na cabine do piloto, quando uma bala de 7,62 × 39 mm de um AK-47 atingiu sua pistola sacada e detonou os cartuchos; Bardelli mais tarde comentou que sua pistola, que foi atingida, salvou sua vida, uma vez que os projéteis AK-47 foram capazes de penetrar nas viseiras do capacete do GIGN.
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